All registrations are non-refundable, no exceptions! We require a minimum number of registrants to hold an event, so make sure to REGISTER EARLY. If the minimum number of registrants is not reached and the event is cancelled, your payment will be refunded within a maximum 30 days of the scheduled date.

If your event is cancelled you will be contacted via email and phone. So, please ensure we have your correct contact information. We are not responsible for the costs you incur arranging to attend an event. This includes travel, hotel, or shipping fees to return materials etc.

Fusion Beatz does not provide liability insurance waivers for instructors who are independent contractors. Please contact your insurance company, or follow the process set in place by the facility in which you teach.

Video and camera recording devices are prohibited.

You give permission to Fusion BeatzTm to take photos or other recordings of applicants/participants for purposes of promoting Fusion Beatz Tm LLC. Photos may be used in our website or flyers or other promotional material.

If paying by check and if it is returned because of non-sufficient funds (NSF) in your account then there will be a $35 fee, in addition to the registration fee.

Please Note: You do not have to have ACE/AFAA certification before attending this workshop. Taking this workshop does not mean you are qualified to teach. You must meet all program requirements and receive your official Fusion Beatz Instructor Credentials before you can teach your very first Fusion Beatz class.